Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) 2023 

Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) 2023 

single channel experimental video art

Duration: 00:02:00. No dialogue, sound, color

Distribution: Groupe Intervention Vidéo


պատերին նստած

drop by drop
sitting on the walls

“Silence IV” (Լռության կաթիլային) is the second in the recently started series of video-bites shot entirely on cellphone. The video was created in April, 2023, during the nine-month blockade of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Between the alarming and scary news coming from home, and the calm reality of every-day life abroad, the artist is trying to make sense of the two realities through art. Playing with lights on interior surfaces Anna Grigorian is working through the conflicts between her immediate surroundings and split identity.

“Silence IV” was made after “A Peculiar Place i.” Both works were shot on cellphone, and are an exploration/meditation on a split identity of the artist (immigration, immediate surrounding, internal space). While “A Peculiar Place i.” is incorporating a play of sunlight and a flashlight, “Silence IV” is a step inward, presenting the viewer with various interior surfaces under the spotlight of a flashlight, playing and distorting their habitual meanings.

Full credits:

Concept, montage, sound design, video editing – Anna Grigorian


2024 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – International Video Poetry Festival, 11th edition. April 2024, Athens, Greece

2024 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – Bronx World Film Winter Cycle 13th Edition, New York City, USA. Founder, Curator and Executive Director: Walter Krochmal. Invited work for the 13th edition of the festival. January 2024

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – nodoCCS – The 9th edition of Festival Video nodoCCS, Caracas, Venezuela. Cofounder and Creative Director: Maria Bilbao·Herrera. Official Selection. December 2023

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – FEDAXV 2023 10th Valdivia Experimental Audiovisual Design Festival, Festival director: Roberto de la Parra. Valdivia, Chile, November 2023

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – 5th Fotogenia, International Filmpoetry, And Divergent Narratives Festival, Festival director: Christian Pacheco-Cámara Mexico. November 2023

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – Strangloscope Film Festival, Festivals directors and curators: Cláudia Cárdenas, Rafael Strangloscópico Itajaí, Santa Catarina, Brazil. October 2023

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – 13th BIDEODROMO Internacional Experimental Film and Video Festival. Festival Director: Txema Agiriano Bilbao, Spain. October 2023

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – 26th annual Antimatter [Media Art], Curators: Deborah de Boer, festival director: Todd Eacrett, Victoria, BC, Canada. October 2023

2023 Silence IV (Լռության կաթիլային) – 32nd Edition of VIDÉOS DE FEMMES DANS LE PARC (VFP) curated by Anne Golden and Véronica Sedano Alvarez; Le Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV), Montreal, Canada. October 2023

Anna Grigorian is an experimental artist from Armenia, whose art practice is currently based between Canada and Armenia. With a background in sculpture, literature, and photography, her current chosen medium is moving image. Her video work revolves around socio political and economic problems, and examination of power relations, through mixing elements of theater, early cinema, and constructed surreal environments.